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Super KlutzTM Devouring a Steamboat and Pickle Sandwich
While Listening
to His TV Make Random Noises. His Neighbors Are
There, and The Army,
Too; and Everybody is Secretly Wondering
What Each Other
Looks Like in Their Underwear.
It's Christmas,
by the Way... (1990 Scan) ...Er, Happy Valentine's Day...?

2/13/01: Super KlutzTM
Helplessly Watching All His Mirrors Burn Down (1990 Scan)

2/12/01: Super KlutzTM
Embroidering A Steering Wheel While
Describing Everything
That Exists to Live National TV (1990 Scan)

2/11/01: Super KlutzTM
Drinking His Dinner Guests (1990 Scan)

2/10/01: Hey! That's Not My Nose Ring!
Thanks to Lisa for the simple, but perfect, concept!

2/9/01: Super KlutzTM
NOT Getting a Manicure

2/8/01: Super KlutzTM
Arguing with a Loaf of Bread (1990 Scan)

P.S. Happy Birthday, Lisa! I Love You!

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FEB 1-7, 2001 >>>